Saturday, November 7, 2009

Autumn Pictures

My husband's tortilla soup was made with some of the last vegetables from our garden. He made the green salsa on top from scratch with some particularly beautiful tomatillos from a friend's garden.

Some of our last tomatoes were already drooping toward the ground when this photo was taken in late October.

But we were still harvesting a few tomatoes at the beginning of November, which almost never happens in Portland.

The street we live on is still all decked out in autumn leaves.


Emma said...

That soup looks delicious! What a great way to celebrate the last of the garden veggies.

Flo Finklestein said...

Thanks Emma. I had been photographing the tomatoes picked from our garden already when I saw some of your excellent photos of the tomatoes still in your garden. That inspired me to troop outside and take some pictures of our garden too.