Thursday, January 29, 2009

Helping the Economy One Splurge at a Time

This Christmas, in an attempt to help out our sadly beaten-down economy, we bought ourselves two big presents we could almost afford: a camera and season roller-derby tickets. Both will make their presence felt on this blog. We're using the camera to produce a never-ending series of pet pictures, and, as for the tickets, I'm eager to tell you about roller derby here in Portland Oregon.

But first the pets. I've put up a picture of Muttley, our Shepherd mix, previously. Since Muttley is only one of six pets, we'd better get started posting those pictures. Below is our St. Bernard, Bruno.

Bruno strikes a pose

And here is our lovely cat, Spookworth.


Aren't these gorgeous animals well worth the price of a camera? We think so, but maybe I'll also write down some of the techniques we've been using to save money. That's a central topic of interest for us these days as we attempt to recover our equilibrium after our splurge and continue to work on our long-term goal of paying off our credit debt.